About this blog

Thanks for checking out this blog dedicated to researching and understanding the phenomenon of traveling and living abroad in global cities.

I’ve been an urban expat myself since I left the United States in early 2006, so while my “official” research on this phenomenon started during my Master’s Program in International Migration Policy at the University of Buenos Aires, I’ve been observing and analyzing this subject for years.

Through my research I attempt to answer questions about the causes, motivation, characteristics, patterns, implications and consequences of these currents of urban expats in the hopes that this research could shed light on the realities of our contemporary urbanized transglobal society, today and in the future.


Emily Sybil Miller

14 thoughts on “About this blog

  1. Hi! This is sort of crazy: my name is also Emily Miller, and I am passionate about studying migration. I’m at college in New York City right now, but hope to get a masters in International Migration/ Public Policy one day. I would LOVE to talk to you more about your experiences! I saw you’ve been to Marrakesh- I spent a year living in Rabat, Morocco.


  2. Hi Emily ! Is there any chance to read your thesis ? I´m psychologist and graduated in UBA too. Interested in the subject because the usual way of inmigration is from poorer countries to richer ones, and that is not the case of americans living here. Thanks in advance and have a happy life here. Gustavo


  3. Hi Emily!!

    Thanks for creating this blog! It’s so heartwarming to find fellow “existential migrants” 🙂
    I’ve felt like this forever and, finally, I can call a name to this concept of not feeling at “home” in my hometown 🙂
    Take care and whenever you come back to Southern Europe, let me know and let’s go for coffee!!


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi

    My name is Joyce, I am a marketing executive at expatfinder.com which is a leading expat information and services website.

    I saw on your blog that you are and expat. I wish to interview you to further share some of your tips. The questions are mainly about the housing, the daily life etc.

    It just takes 5 minutes (or more depending if you have lots to say 🙂

    Of course, if you accept we can add a link to your blog or some of your website.

    If you are interested to participate at this project, please send me an email at interview@expatfinder.com.


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